What To Expect During Recovery After A Cosmetic Gum Surgery?

Cosmetic Gum Surgery Michigan,

Gum contouring is a kind of cosmetic procedure that helps correct uneven gums to improve appearance. However, cosmetic gum surgery in Michigan is considered a medical necessity, such as addressing a periodontal infection, performing crown lengthening, or pocket reduction. Essentially, the aim of gum contouring is to improve one’s smile and prevent the development of premature dental or periodontal degeneration.

Individuals advised to undergo Cosmetic Gum Treatment in Plymouth by their periodontists are often apprehensive about the healing process, unsure of what to expect. In this post, our experienced team of doctors lists out some vital aspects that one should know to make the recovery period comfortable.

  • Rest Well. One common advice often given after any medical procedure is to rest well and let your body heal on its own. Similar is the primary recommendation after cosmetic gum surgery. Hence, follow your dental team’s advice prior to the procedure and hydrate with plenty of fluids, and limit any physical exertion to only necessity. The average recovery period is about two weeks but it can vary for each patient. Some feel the pain and discomfort weaning off within the first week to ten days, while for others it may take longer and with medications.
  • Be Gentle. In addition to limiting any strenuous physical activity, one must also be extra careful when practicing daily oral hygiene like brushing and flossing. Ask your Michigan periodontist if you should switch to an alcohol-free mouthwash. Else, simple lukewarm saltwater rinses will facilitate the healing process while keeping your mouth clean as well. Also, exercise extreme caution when brushing and flossing so as to not irritate the sensitive gums.
  • Eat Light. Avoiding hot and spicy food during the recovery is a must after all dental procedures. Hence, apply a general rule of thumb to refrain from any eatables that will put pressure on your mouth, such as crunchy chips, nuts, cookies. Instead, stock up softer foods like yogurt, oats, pasta, boiled vegetables or eggs, soup, and loads of ice cream.

Lastly, your doctor will prescribe oral pain management medication to tackle the pain and tenderness, but one should only take it if the pain gets unbearable. Generally, the swelling goes down within the first couple of days, and pain subsides consecutively. However, you must not have to brave through persistent discomfort and visit Advanced Periodontics & Implantology clinic if there is constant bleeding and pain for more than a few hours!